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NC State WolfAlert Test

11:10 a.m. on September 13, 2024

This concludes the WolfAlert shelter-in-place drill.

Drill notifications and all-clear messages were sent through all WolfAlert system methods as they would be in a real emergency situation. Notification methods are campus sirens, the OnCampus App, the NC State homepage, text messaging, email, Alertus Desktop, digital billboard screens, and the social media accounts Facebook and X.

It is the responsibility of every member of the Wolfpack to prepare for emergency events and to know what to do to ensure the safety of ourselves and one another. Here are a few things you can do to be ready for any emergency:

  1. Get informed: Review the university’s emergency preparedness information and think through situations you may face as an individual on and off campus.
  2. Make a plan: Locate the emergency exits in the areas you frequent on campus and sign up for WolfAlerts if you haven’t already.
  3. Take action: Be ready to take action in the event of a fire, severe weather event, shelter-in-place announcement or any other type of emergency.

NC State frequently holds exercises to test university operational capabilities, and this drill was a continuation of those efforts. If you have questions about the drill or would like to report any issues experienced during the exercise, please email
Visit for more information.

11:00 a.m. on September 13, 2024

This is a scheduled WolfAlert emergency drill. We ask that you participate in the campuswide shelter-in-place exercise. An all-clear announcement will be made shortly.

  1. Immediately stop classes, work or business operations.
  2. Seek shelter in a small, interior room.
  3. Bring everyone into the room; shut the door and lock it, if possible. 
  4. Close and lock all windows. If possible, close the window shades, blinds or curtains.
  5. Continue monitoring WolfAlert channels for further instructions or the all-clear announcement.

Visit for updates and more information.